My parents left yesterday morning--the week went by really fast, and I'm sorry to see them go. We were very productive with them around.
On Friday, we went for a long walk through the countryside, and saw a lot of typical rural homes and farmland. We also went to a "gym" that was built up by Francois, Espwa's "security guard," in his back yard. In fact it's closer to a pile of old used car parts than a gym, but there's actually a lot of exercises you can do there, and just being there is an authentic experience in itself. On our walk to the gym, I was able to trace a new running path, so now I can run through the villages and countryside, rather than just around the soccer field. I did the run yesterday, worked out at the "gym", and ran back. All the while, the villagers shout "Blan! Blan!" meaning "white person" or "foreigner", and smile once they get a wave or a smile and a "Salut" in return. I did the run again today, but this time went much farther, past the gym, and saw a whole new part of the region. That run is the most cultural part of my day; I feel like I have been thrown into a national geographic video, especially when I have to jump over a sleeping goat, or when naked children offer me sugarcane when I pass by.
The little ones were begging me to watch a movie on my computer today, so I let them watch "Anchorman." I had to place the computer on a chair inside our gate, because if you leave it to them, it will inevitably get broken. That's what happened to my iPod. They all crowd around and want to press all the buttons, and something bad happens. This way they were able to enjoy some video entertainment, and I was able to keep my machinery intact. We also played our usual game of tag, where the kids gather in a circle around me, and I close my eyes and spin around with my arm out. When I stop spinning and open my eyes, whoever I'm pointing to is the kiddie that I have to chase and tag. They can't get enough of that game; they're all giggling and yelling throughout the chase, and a big cheer erupts when I finally catch them.
I finalized the locks for the first set of houses today, and tomorrow will be another long day of putting new locks on the second set of houses, and caulking up all holes in the walls to keep the bedbugs out.
Thanks again to my parents for their time here--everyone here has expressed great appreciation for their contribution and their contagious upbeat attitudes.
1 comment:
Mark, your writing is great! It really conveys the feeling of being there. I am following Father Marc's work, and your blog gives it a terrific added demension.
Keep up the good work!
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